Excel + VBA

I took the initiative on data collection at my company. We started collecting every single test that th dyno operator run. The user gets immeidiate feedback after the test; he knows if it passed or failed. The second the user hits the import test, the code uploads the entire test information into a SQL server database.

Crown Clothing Store (Capstone Project)

For this project, I learned React components, inlcluding hooks, firebase and google authentication, Redux, graphQL, Stripe. We started collecting every single test that th dyno operator run. The user gets immeidiate feedback after the test; he knows if it passed or failed. The second the user hits the import test, the code uploads the entire test information into a SQL server database.

Legacy website

Want to see where I started off as a programmer? Every developer has a new beginning. Looking back, there was still so much I didn't know about web design, programming, etc. Looking back makes me realize how much I have accomplished and how much more I know. I hope it will inspire you whever you are in your coding journey.